Saturday, November 13, 2010

Let Me Tell You Why You Must Become RICH!

"It is the blessing of God that makes rich and adds no sorrow with it." Proverbs 10:22.

"The rich man's wealth is his strong city; the destruction of the poor is their poverty." Proverbs 10:15.

"The poor is hated even of his own neighbour; but the rich hath many friends." Proverbs 14:20.

"The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender." Proverbs 22:7.

As a responsible man or woman, you must have at one time or another experienced the unpleasant feeling engendered by needing something but being unable to afford it; of genuinely wanting to help someone, your church, school, village or community but being unable to do so, due to lack of money.
You may have helplessly watched a business opportunity slip away due to lack of capital. You may know of young people dropping out of school because their school fees could not be paid; or the sick dying at home due to lack of money to obtain medication.

I believe money is good. Money increases your options in life. When you have lots of money, you are free within the bounds of legality to do whatever you like, whenever you want. The more money you have the better your options. When you are rich and financially free, you feel good because you can meet all your financial obligations, needs and wants. You can afford anything money can buy.

When you attain that level of financial independence where money is no longer an issue in your life, your intellectual, spiritual and emotional energies are unbound and free to propel you to higher and superior accomplishments in other areas of human endeavour. When you are rich, you become greatly empowered to help others and to serve humanity in many more ways. When you are rich, you attract more opportunities for greater achievement and success in life. Success they say, begets more success.

Being rich has obvious advantages. When all the individuals of a country are rich, then that country is truly rich. A rich and well to do society is easier to govern. Political democracy stabilises and grows in a society where majority of the people are rich and truly educated.

When the populace is truly educated (not just literate) and prosperous, there is less corruption; and when there is less corruption in a society, there is more efficiency and growth in the social, business and economic sectors. In a rich and prosperous society, politicians are less likely to loot the national treasury. Political aspirants are more likely to be motivated by the need to serve, than by the need to enrich themselves.

A financially free society will more easily channel its energies into positive activities that enhance, not just the physical environment, but also the emotional and spiritual needs, as well as the overall quality of life of its people. The rich are financially empowered to uplift themselves, their families, their people, their neighbourhood, their communities, their states, their nation, their race and the world at large.

Wealth is a source of power. So, when you become rich, you must also exploit and put to maximum effect the inherent powers of money. Even though you can be rich without being powerful (and this is very unfortunate), it is difficult to become powerful without being rich (directly or indirectly). Again, even though we say the law is no respecter of persons, we do know that the rich hardly go to prison; and when they do, it becomes headline news.

Money provides your food, your shelter, your clothing, your healthcare, your education, your security and many other options in life. Money is important. Money is good. No, money is not everything, but with money, many things are possible!

Your desire for wealth is therefore perfectly in order because money is one key empowerment you need to be a good and respectable father, mother, husband, wife, brother, sister, uncle, auntie, citizen, patron, matron, chairman, chairperson, church member, friend, etc. And in many political societies of today, you need plenty of money to be a strong and relevant political godfather, godmother or kingmaker.

You must therefore take seriously the study of the laws of Life, Wealth and Success because it is your most important step towards being the best you can ever be, to yourself and to others; and living a happy, accomplished, rewarding and fulfilled life on planet earth. What better way can there be to serve God and Humanity?

Again, Time is of the essence in wealth creation and multiplication because the attainment of financial stability is not a one-day affair. Therefore, the earlier you begin to get rich, the better. Even though you can become rich at the age of sixty or seventy, truth is, the earlier you hit big money the better for you, for those around you and indeed, humanity at large.

"The average man reaches the period of his greatest capacity to create between forty and sixty. The years between forty and fifty are as a rule the most fruitful. Man should approach this age, not with fear and trembling, but with hope and eager anticipation." Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich.
One sure way to comply with the above statement is to become rich early in life. That way you eliminate the anxiety and fear associated with money issues especially at old age. And your mind is set free and ready to tap into, and fully harness the immense reservoir of creative and spiritual energies available to man during that great golden epoch between forty and sixty.

So, start early and achieve wealth in your youth! That way, you not only enjoy your riches for much longer, but you also bless and positively touch the lives of many more people within and outside your immediate environment.

As a young Prince in pursuit of fame and fortune, you must be flattered by Machiavelli's notion that:
"... fortune is a woman....being a woman, she favours young men, because they are less circumspect and more ardent, and because they command her with greater audacity."

You must therefore do what is necessary to become legitimately rich, because money answereth all things and the blessing of God makes us rich and happy. Prosperity is the law of Nature, and God's mandate to you is to go into the world and be prosperous.

"Be ye fruitful and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth..." Genesis 9:7.
"Make all the money you can as fast as you can, so that you can focus on the more important issues of life." Jim Rohn.

"It is a man's duty to make all the money he can, to keep all that he can, and give away all that he can." John D Rockefeller.

"No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he only had good intentions. He had money as well." Margaret Thatcher.

"Our first duty is not to be poor." George Bernard Shaw.

As a store of material value, money portrays to the mundane world, the sum total of how successful you have been in personally harnessing and managing your abilities, your talents, your time, your knowledge, your energy, your sweat and your life.

You can now see that apart from the direct benefits of personal financial well-being, there are many other reasons why you must become rich. Therefore, you must do all that is within your power to avoid poverty and lack in your life, because God's mandate to you is to be fruitful and multiply. You must assert your God given right to abundance of wealth, health and happiness here on planet earth. Yes, with Money many things are possible!

About the Author:
Jay Onwukwe
Jay is Author: The WEALTH SECRETS
Jay is motivational speaker, teacher and friend of Youths. His recent work "The WEALTH SECRETS You Must Know Before40" is a must-read for everyone, and you're just a CLICK away from obtaining your precious copy from Click here now! The WEALTH SECRETS. Stay Smart, Wealthy and Wise!

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