Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How to Plan to Be Rich

The easiest way to get rich is to plan to be rich. There are a lot of people that 'hope' to be rich, and in hoping all they do to help themselves get rich is to buy a lottery ticket and hope their numbers come up. Getting rich can be planned, and you can easily create a plan for yourself to become rich. In this article I want to show you how you can plan to be rich.

Have you ever heard the quote "If you fail to plan then you plan to fail", this quote is often very true when it comes to finances. I have met a lot of people in my time that have told me they are going to be rich, but that didn't even have a hint of a plan in place to help them become rich. The majority of these people will fail to become wealthy, because they don't know how to become wealthy and they don't even have a plan to learn how.

Do you have a plan to be rich? If you don't then you are in the right place. If you already do then this article should hopefully shed some more light on the issue and help you refine and improve your plan.

1. Plan To Learn

This is the first plan you need to have in place if you want to plan to be rich. In all likelihood you simply don't know the things you need to know in order to become rich. Becoming rich is a learned skill, it is not something we are born with, or are given. It is something we must work hard to attain through learning.
In order to become rich you need to learn about finance and increase your financial IQ. You need to learn about different investment vehicles and how to make each one work (and find out which one works best for you). You often need to learn about people, business, tax laws, market behaviors and trends and much much more. In order to become rich you should be learning something new about finance and investing everyday.
Great investors seek to learn something new with every investment they purchase. If they are purchasing an investment property they seek to learn something new about how to invest in property better. If they are purchasing a business as an investment they seek to learn how to make more money from business and so on. Great investors and always learning and because they are always learning whenever they do an investment deal they learn how to get rich quicker with less money.

2. Plan To Raise Capital

In order to purchase investments you first need some capital to be able to buy them. If you want to become rich you need a plan on how you are going to raise capital. If you are purchasing a real estate investment you might be raising capital by going to your bank and borrowing 95% of the purchase price. But you also need a plan of how you are going to raise the 5% of your own money.
You might have a plan to work hard at your job and save money in order to raise capital, which can work. You might have a plan to start a business in your spare time to raise capital and then use that capital to invest in property. Then, once you have purchased some investment property, you might have a plan to use the investment to build your capital through rental income and capital appreciation. Whatever your method may be you need a plan to raise capital.

3. Plan To Increase Passive Income

If you are planning to be rich, and not just average, then you need to have a plan to increase your passive income. A lot of average investors focus on capital gains only. They buy investments that cost them money each month to own in the hope of making money when they sell. This ties them to their job and forces them to work harder just to keep their head above water. When they do sell, and if they do make money, they reinvest their money into another investment that costs them more money each month to own.
This is not a smart way to invest, and if you want to be rich then a good idea is to plan to increase your passive income. Passive income is income that you receive on a regular basis without having to work for it. Passive income increases your means, and decreases the need for you to work for someone else just to pay the bills. By focusing on passive income you will be buying yourself time, and when you have a lot of time you can use that time to focus on becoming rich.

4. Plan To Reinvest

If you want to be rich then you shouldn't cash in your profits on day one. Instead you should have a plan on how you are going to best reinvest them for a maximum profit. Again let me state that it is good to have a plan to increase passive income. So when thinking about reinvesting, always think about how you can generate the most amount of passive income.
When rich people buy an investment, they are always looking at how they can get their capital money back as quickly as possible. Once they have got that capital back they are essentially making money from something that has cost them nothing. The passive income continues to come in and they can take their capital and look for another investment. This is exactly what you should be doing also.
So if you don't have a plan to be rich then maybe you should think about writing one. I have a plan to learn, a plan to raise capital, a plan to increase passive income and a plan to reinvest. Because of this I am slowly but surely becoming richer every single day. You could also become richer every single day if you have a plan. The first step in your plan is to increase your learning. You need to learn about finances and increase your financial IQ. By educating yourself in the area of finances you will be able to get a greater return on investment and you will be able to earn more with less work and less risk. Does that sound good to you?

If you want to increase your financial IQ and start becoming rich then I recommend the free newsletter and audio teaching that Rich Academy provides. If you want to start becoming rich today then go to http://www.richacademy.com and enter your name and email address to get a free copy of Ryan McLean's audio teaching. Hurry, this offer is available for a limited time only.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Think and Grow Rich Book Review

What if instead of wishing you were rich was as easy as instead having a strong desire to be rich? Think and Grow Rich is a book written for those who want to be rich but don't possess the right mental capacity or focus to obtain these dreams.

Think and Grow Rich is a Self-Help book that's purpose is to get you into the mindset of becoming and thinking rich, as implied by the title, however, it's not as easy as it sounds.
You will begin to realize really fast as soon as you begin the first chapter that the "Thinking" part it talks about is actually a long step-by-step process that will take effort on your part. To give you an idea of what you will be getting yourself into here is a list of the chapter titles.
  1. Thoughts are Things
  2. Desire
  3. Faith
  4. Autosuggestion
  5. Specialized Knowledge
  6. Imagination
  7. Organized Planning
  8. Decision
  9. Persistence
  10. Power of the Master Mind
  11. The Mystery of Sex Transmutation
  12. The Subconscious Mind
  13. The Brain
  14. The Sixth Sense
  15. The Six Ghosts of Fear
You can probably already guess by reading the chapter titles what this book is really about, but until you read it you won't understand how important doing things in order are or why you are doing them in the first place.
Think of all the things you truly wanted and set your mind to in your life; school, girlfriends or boyfriends, jobs, etc. If you could convert those "want" energies into a specific desire to become rich and set yourself on a plan to get there, you would most likely... get there.

It is amazing how many people struggle at doing exactly this whole-heartily and that's where this book comes into play. You will learn not only how to do convert those other types of motivating energies but also learn why it is important that you must have a desire to truly be rich.

In summary, if you desire something, think about it all the time, be persistent about it, and don't let anyone turn you from your path no matter how much they ridicule you; you will get exactly what you want.
I recommend reading this book to find out how exactly you can go about turning your desires into reality. I give this book a 9/10.

Tom Van is the owner and author of http://www.thomasvan.net The core focus of his website is to promote financial literacy and self-reliance by providing free educational articles on his website and blogging about his experiences.

He is the author of the creative finance blog which involves the use of buying things you want using creative methods when traditional methods are unavailable to you. You can learn more about his creative finance blog by visiting [http://www.thomasvan.net/category/blogs/creative-financing]
To see more book reviews by this author visit [http://www.thomasvan.net/book-reviews/book-reviews]

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ways to Get Rich

We all want to be rich and there are many ways to get rich. There is just something about the idea of having enough money to not only pay all of your bills off but also to buy everything you ever dreamed of that makes us just want it. Some people want it so bad that they actually go out and make it happen while others simply dream of what it would be like to be rich. Fortunately, there are lots of different ways to get rich if you just know what they are. The following ideas have helped other s in the past get rich and it just might help you, too.

Create a Business

Entrepreneurs who can find a business opportunity in their market have a great opportunity for becoming rich if they just learn how to work it. Once an opportunity is discovered the entrepreneur needs to do some research into the target customers and find out if the business will really work. If it looks as if it will and the business opens up then the owner needs to be dedicated to the new business. Working long hours and always trying to find ways to make the business succeed will start bringing in the cash flow. Then, if the business is franchised and becomes popular nationwide or even worldwide then the owner just might find himself rich!

The Lottery

Winning the lottery is by far the easiest way to get rich although it is the longest shot of all. The reason why is the odds of actually winning are so great that the likelihood of someone cashing in is very low. But, people continue to play the lottery and people continue to win. As long as jackpots worth hundreds of millions of dollars are around you can bet that people will continue playing the lottery. If you do win then you will have really gotten rich fast and will be the object of envy.

The Internet

The Internet provides many opportunities for an individual to get rich. There are so many website businesses that gain popularity and all of a sudden they are household names and making their owners lots of money. For example, Amazon.com is a site that everyone knows about although it started out really small. That's the way it goes with the Internet. You start small, begin marketing your site, buying links, and affiliating your self with other sties and then your own site begins to grow and prosper. With a lot of love and attention in addition to a great amount of luck your website could make you very rich. It has made many others rich and it can do the same for you.

There are of course other ways you can become rich like being a movie or sports star or inheriting the money. But, the above ways of becoming rich might be easier for you or they might not. As long as you are committed to becoming rich you can do so with a little bit of hard work.
Clark Hunter

Saturday, November 27, 2010

You Can Learn to Be Rich

Anyone can learn to be rich, it just takes the right training. If you want to learn how to become a doctor you can't go and study the inner workings of a car engine and expect to be a good doctor. In the same way if you want to be rich you will need to study money and you will need to increase your financial intelligence. Although this may sound a little daunting it is not that difficult and it can help you to work less, earn more and live a happier life.

If you want to learn to be rich you need learn financial intelligence. Financial intelligence involves a few different things. You need to understand how money works so that you can make more money, hold on to more of your money, get a better return for you money, work less for your money and so you can leverage your money. It is impossible to cover everything you need to know in just one article. But I am going to go over the basic things you need to learn if you want to become rich.

You Need To Know How To Earn More Money

By earning more money I do not mean that you need to go back to college in order to become a doctor or lawyer (or some other specialist) so that you can earn a large wage working for money. The type of earning I am talking about can be done by anyone no matter what your current wage is.
In order to be financially free your passive income (income you don't need to work for) needs to be greater than all of your expenses. No matter what your wage is you can begin to increase your income by purchasing assets that generate an income. The rich get richer because they buy assets that generate income first, and then they use the income generated from their assets to pay for their expenses and liabilities. If you want to be rich you need to learn how to earn more passive income by purchasing assets that create more cashflow.

You Need To Know How To Keep More Money

A lot of people fail to become rich because money gets taken out of their pocket as fast as it goes in. One of the biggest expenses in your life will be your taxes. Working for someone else you have very little control over how much you pay in taxes. In fact the government now takes your taxes from you BEFORE you get paid. But there are ways you can legally minimize your tax payments so that you can have more money to invest and you can become richer quicker.

In order to become rich you need to learn how to keep more of your money and how to stop people putting their hands in your pockets and taking all your money before you get a chance to invest it.

You Need To Know How To Budget Your Money

Most people only know how to budget for a deficit. Meaning that there is more money going out than their is coming in. Because they only know how to budget for a deficit they are constantly getting in more and more debt and their expenses are constantly going up. They are therefore tied to their job and they have to work harder and harder just to make ends meet.

If you want to be rich you need to learn how to budget for a surplus. Being frugal in order to have money plays a small part, but really you need to focus on increasing your income by buying assets that generate you income. By using your money to buy assets that generate you income you are always increasing your wealth. You can then use that income to purchase your liabilities such as cars and clothes. So it is important that you learn to budget for a surplus so you can constantly have more and more money to invest.

You Need To Know How To Buy Assets

Once you have at least learnt how to budget your money so their is some left over to invest you need to know what an asset is and you need to buy assets. Rich people get richer because they buy assets that generate them income. Assets put money in your pocket and liabilities take money out of your pocket. You can define an asset and a liability this way. If you were to stop working an asset would pay you and a liability will take your money away. If you want to be financially free then you need to know the difference between assets and liabilities and you need to buy assets.

You can learn to be rich easily by learning the difference between assets and liabilities and by learning how to buy assets that generate an income.
Learn how to get rich WITHOUT making anymore money. Go to http://www.richacademy.com and sign up to get an audio teaching worth over $27 absolutely free.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Do You Want to Be Rich in MLM - Invest in Yourself

Like with many other spheres of life, there are some specific traits that a network marketer would have to possess to be successful at network marketing. A lot of people get involved with money making schemes with little knowledge, little or none of the needed skills and plenty of hope. The results are failure and frustration. Even when a marketer takes time to learn the needed techniques he or she must continue to learn and work at personal development so as to become and remain a master of success.

Personal development is very essential as most successful people will tell you. You have to invest in your mind by constantly feeding it with the right information and knowledge. It is only after you have mastered how to train and develop your mind that you can use your mind to fill your wallet. Personal development involves active steps to help you master needed traits, perspectives and values that would help you as a network marketer.

In network marketing personal development is ever more important to be able to succeed. This is because while it is true that network marketing is a way to earn moderate to substantial income it is also true that it is not always easy. If you do not develop the proper mindset and values to help you through the trying period you will end up quitting half way. One way to develop personally is to read books and attend seminars by established coaches such as Randy Gage, Donald Trump, Mike Dillard and Robert Kiyosaki.
Robert Kiyosaki is the famous author of Rich Dad Poor Dad. The book has sold over 20 million copies and was written to help readers get the proper view and perception of money and how to use it. Along with other books by Robert Kiyosaki, people can learn how to make their money work for them by working smarter and not just harder.

Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki teamed up and wrote a book together called, "Why We Want You To Be Rich." Network marketers all over the world have grabbed a copy of the book for themselves. In the book they both endorse the network marketing industry. It is a viable way for the average Joe to become wealthy if they stick with it.

Randy Gage is another writer and speaker whose books and speeches are geared towards helping marketers work on personal development. He is popularly called the Millionaire Messiah as his books and speeches have helped a lot of people attain wealth. He believes everyone can achieve wealth and he helps people develop the right skills, values and perceptive to overcome self doubts and act right to achieve wealth. His personal experience as a school dropout who made it from being a dishwasher to becoming a millionaire has inspired many.

Mike Dillard is no stranger to the MLM world online. His training and courses are remarkable. Mike's main focus is teaching people to become Alphas. Once you have an Alpha mindset, he then focuses on helping you solve the number one problem most network marketers face, which is the lack of leads. Mike Dillard's courses, books, and websites have trained over 100,000 network marketers.

Network marketers should aim to constantly develop themselves and acquire skills such as people skills, leadership skills, communication skills, money management techniques, accounting skills, time management, goal setting and acquiring self confidence. To do this they need to constantly work on developing themselves. Reading more on their chosen niche and learning new techniques are very important if they must successfully keep up with their dynamic environment. People's need and interest are ever changing. Effective methods get stale after some time. The network marketer who continues to improve himself will continue to be successful.

Adrian Hines is an internet marketer that is dedicated to helping those in network marketing succeed by leveraging the internet. To learn more go here.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

I Want to Be Rich But I Don't Know Where to Start

Surely everybody has felt this way at some stage? So what IS the answer? Whilst there might not be a 'definitive' answer to this question - there are definitely better and worse places to begin your quest towards financial freedom.
Robert Kiyosaki (the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad) talks about the three main vehicles that the rich use to create wealth. They are as follows

Stock Market

The stock market allows you to 'buy in' to a company and in turn receive a 'share' of the company's profits or losses. Professional Investors generally use the stock market to create cash flow.

Real Estate

Buying Real Estate can be less scary for the novice investor as you are buying a 'physical thing'. The ability to 'leverage' your money is one of the best features of Property Investing. Professional Investors generally use Real Estate for long term capital gain


Business can include everything from owning your own business to being employed by someone else. If you think about it having a job is just like running a business but rather than selling a product you are selling 'your time'. Wealthy people use their 'business' to help fund their Stock Market & Real Estate investments.
I would like to add a fourth category


Whilst you don't physically 'make money' from this category, there is no way that you can create any amount of wealth without having a strong mindset and knowledge base.
So where should you start?
The first and most important thing you need to do is ask yourself "why do I want to be rich'? Everyone 'thinks' they want to be rich but not many people take the time to explore what they would actually do if money wasn't an obstacle. Remember being Wealthy isn't just about having lots of money. There are plenty of people who earn millions of dollars a year but don't have any spare time to see their family or who aren't actually happy with their life. To be truly wealthy I believe you need to have abundance and choice in four main areas

1. Financial - have enough money to do everything you dream of
2. Time - be able to spend your time how YOU want
3. Family/Love - have great relationships and a group of people you care about
4. Achievement/Contribution - be proud of who you are and what you have done

So when you ask yourself 'why do I want to be rich' make sure your answer includes all of these areas in some way.

The next thing I would do is 'Surround yourself with people who have what you want'.
Or in other words educate yourself. There is plenty of great Wealth Creation information out there and the best part is that a great deal of it is Free. A little Warning - once you begin learning new investment strategies and Wealth Creation ideas you will no doubt begin to feel liberated and excited. DON'T let yourself be scared or put off by uniformed people who know less about the subject than you. Jamie McIntyre talks about the 'law of opposites'. In short he is saying "If you want to succeed, you need to figure out what most Australians are doing and do the exact opposite". Remember, 'Surround yourself with people who have what you want' NOT 'people who have what you already have'.

The next step is to decide what your first strategy is going to be. Will you use the Share Market, Real Estate or your Business? Always remember to start small, don't try to 'bite off more than you can chew' and definitely don't get too far ahead of yourself. If you try and go too fast you can end up having a bad experience and it might turn you off Investing for life. Once you find a strategy that works then repeat it and start looking for a different strategy to learn. As Robert Kiyosaki says the Stock market, Real Estate and Business will create the best results when they are employed in unison BUT you need to walk before you can run. One strategy at a time is definitely the best option.

The final step and by far the hardest and most horrible part of this whole process is to reward yourself! Celebrating your successes will encourage you to continue your good work and always remember there is much more to being wealthy than having lots of money. So what are you waiting for? Take action now, quite simply just 'Do Something'. Remember "A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step" - Lao Tsu

For access to a Free Investment DVD and an amazing Free Wealth Creation pack valued at over $100 simple go to http://www.SharesPropertyMoney.com or learn more about Investing & Wealth Creation at my blog http://www.BanjoSmyth.com

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Secret That Rich People Don't Want You to Know

There really is a secret to getting rich fast. A way that you can move yourself up to the highest income bracket possible. you will want to make all the wealth Now I have a surprise for you, I am going to tell you what that secret is. Shhh, you don't want this one to get out because instead of making money you will be sitting back and watching others make what was supposed to be yours. The secret to getting rich lies inside you. The difference between wanting to be rich and being rich is actually just as simple as doing it.

Let's say you have 500 dollars to get yourself started on the path of financial freedom, even though 500 dollars doesn't seem like that much, it is a great starting point. Take your 500 dollars and turn it into selling items. Find items for cheap that you know that you can turn around, and sell for a profit. These items can be anything, but try to find something that you have a little knowledge on.

Thanks to the Internet anyone can now open an online store or join and online auction community. These are perfect places to sell your items. Online sites bring millions of potential customers right to you. Even though this route is going to take you a while, there is not real get rich fast, easy answer. If you are patient and willing to work, your first million is just a few profitable steps away. After you make the first million, if you play it smart you will remain rich the rest of your life.

If you need money now, like I mean in the next hour, try what I did. I am making more money now than in my old business and you can too, read the amazing, true story, in the link below. When I joined I was skeptical for just ten seconds before I realized what this was. I was smiling from ear to ear and you will too.
Imagine doubling your money every week with no or little risk! To discover a verified list of Million Dollar Corporations offering you their products at 75% commission to you. Click the link below to learn HOW you will begin compounding your capital towards your first Million Dollars at the easy corporate money program.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Claim and Commit to Your Financial Goal

I know this may seem as a "non-contributor" in a financial planning guide lesson but I want to clarify this issue and how it relates to our financial life.

As human beings, we often relate financial freedom to having lots of money, or how much a person earns (whether through a job or business), how much money he can spend for non-appreciating assets, his number of cars, the size of his house, etc... So in a natural way, we usually relate wealth to the amount of money a person has in his bank account. For most people, if you don't have a big house, don't drive a Ferrari, don't have a luxurious yacht, or when you don't have the latest cellphone, then you are not rich.

The problem with this kind of thinking is that we human beings have acquired an attitude towards how we view a person's financial life. Often, when we set our financial goal, we only see the money involved and fail to realize that having money is just an external thing.

What do I mean by an external thing?
I actually believe that a person has two (2) kinds of environment, his external and internal environment. (This was also mentioned by my mentor Bo Sanchez)
An external environment is where you are physically, how your life is currently doing, the situation you are currently in - in simple terms it is the NOW of your life.

An internal environment is inside your brain, your internal thinking, your view in life, your values - in analogy, it is the CPU (the main internal processing of a computer) of your life. This internal environment will define your actual reactions to real-life situations that happens in your life.

Now that we understand both, what in the world does this have to do with financial freedom viewed as having lots of money?

The answer to this question is - EVERYTHING.
Your internal environment will be the key to attaining your financial goal. In claiming and committing to your financial goal, you must not only view your goal as an amount of money that you want to attain but a financial plan that you have already written in your head. It is a financial plan that no failure can make you give up because you already saw yourself achieving that financial goal in your mind.

Focusing on money alone is not a strong enough reason to achieve your financial goal. You must commit to a dream, a financial plan, and a love (it can be more time with your family) you want to pursue. In other words, it is the WHY you want to be rich that will keep you going rather than having money alone.
Find these reasons why you want to achieve financial freedom and remind yourself of it everyday. Touch it in your thoughts, feel it in your thoughts, and envision it in your mind daily. This is how you can truly commit to your financial goal!
Now go and apply this financial planning guide lesson in your life right away.
To our financial freedom.

I am Jake Bere, an entrepreneur from the Philippines. I am highly trained in face to face selling and the aspects of marketing. I currently owned a sales and distribution business that sells consumer products. I like talking about investments, the Philippine Stock Market, Marketing strategies, and business ventures in the internet.
For other financial planning strategies please check out my blog.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Top 10 Reasons to Do What it Takes to Become Wealthy

I think most of us on the planet have a dream tucked somewhere in our hearts or minds about how great things would be if we were financially independent.  We think about how it would change our lives and the lives of the people we love and have a certain longing for it.  For most people one of three things tends to happen with that dream:  one - it either stops right there, two - they find themselves haring off after some scheme or another, or three - they give up on a worthy venture too soon. Here are the Top 10 Reasons why it's important to bite the bullet and Do What It Takes To Become Wealthy.

1.  You either learn to love the "no's" or you learn to live with them.  As my Business Coach and Mentor often says 'You gotta learn to love the no's.'  If fear of rejection is what's keeping you from becoming wealthy then you only have one alternative to pick from, and that's to learn to live with telling both yourself and the people you love the most 'no' to the things that mean the most both to you and to them.

2.  The alternative is more expensive than you know and/or are willing to face.  One of my wealth coaches once asked me to sit down and write out every price that I was paying, had paid, and will pay for not achieving financial freedom in my life, and the prices my friends and family were paying, and had paid, and will pay, and it turned out to be one of the biggest reality checks I'd ever faced up to.
I'm not going to kid you - it took an incredible level of courage, honesty and self-examination to get it all out, but get it all out I did.

I keep the list in my planner so I can pull it out and look at it for those times when what I'm working towards isn't powerful enough to keep me moving forward but what I'm working away from IS!
Want to turn your finances completely around?  Do the exercise and write out every price for not achieving financial freedom in your life and don't stop until you have a clear and profound commitment that playing small is over!

3.  If you don't, you'll never have significantly more than what you already have.  Are you willing to live the rest of your life with what you already have?
Are you willing to give your friends and family the kind of future that doesn't look much different than your present?

4.  If you do the things others won't do, only then will you have the things that others won't have.  I think anybody that's trying to sell a get rich quick scheme or tells you that their business opportunity means you'll never have to work again isn't selling a dream - they're selling a pipe dream.
If there really was an effortless way to get rich then why are they beating the pavement trying to sell you on the idea rather than lying on a beach in Tahiti?
Be prepared for the things it will take from you in order to achieve true wealth and commit to being a disciple to them.
5.  There will never be a better time than right now to get started!  Getting started on becoming wealthy will NEVER be easier, simpler or less painful than it is right now and waiting for a 'better time' is just a way to keep playing it safe and avoiding taking the risks and keeping you from becoming wealthy and from having to face up that...

6.  There is no nobility in poverty.  Neither is there any built-in villainy in wealth.  We're always in charge of our destinies, but one thing money does is it gives you the direct experience of being in charge of yours.
Disagree?  What are the choices you're making that are dictated by your current level of success?  What would be different if you were financially free and independent?  Different about your work?  Your health and your healthcare?  Your car?  Your home?  Your friends?  Your family?  What else?

7.  You'll be a role model for generations to come.  If you had a believable blueprint for extraordinary success to follow you probably wouldn't be reading this article.  That means that the people you love probably don't have one either.  Why not break out and have a profound impact on generations of your family and be a role model for success and wealth in every meaning of the word?
Why not raise the bar and redefine for your family what success really is?

8.  You'll have the resources to throw at life when you need them.  You can't predict what life is going to bring you and sometimes it brings incredible obstacles and sometimes they're bright opportunities.  If you're willing to look I'm sure you would be able to come up with lots of examples of how life could have been different if you'd had the resources to throw at it when you needed them.
It could be missed investment opportunities, missed business opportunities, missed opportunities to change an outcome for someone you love, bad choices that were made but that was the best of the choices that were available at the time - this could be a pretty long list that go on the 'prices paid' list.
Aren't you ready to be in a position to grab those opportunities the next time they come your way?

9.  It's your birthright.  Freedom and independence are your birthright; you were born with the right to claim it.  Aren't you ready?
If it is your birthright, then that means that...

10.  You have a God given responsibility to achieve wealth and it is nothing short of the crassest form of selfishness not to.  Bet you weren't expecting that one, eh?  You are one in infinity, and in an infinity of time there will never be another you.  You have a unique purpose on this planet with a unique impact only you can have.  If you're determined to play small then that impact can only be a small one.
Aren't you ready to be who you were born to be?

About: Tracy Phaup is the founder and President of the Tracy Phaup Group, a consulting group specializing in custom consulting services for Internet marketers, Professional Bloggers, and Infopreneurs. Affectionately known as the Social Media Marketing Maven, her specialty is relationship marketing. Her many years of experience in Coaching, Consulting and Team Building allow her to bring to bear expertise across mediums and to share her expertise in developing relationships that rock!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

4 Reasons Why You Want to Be Ric

I know that you can enumerate the benefits of being rich yourself but still you have clicked this article and are probably going to read through. One possible explanation for the action that you just did is because deep inside you whether consciously, or subconsciously, you want to become rich. I have got to tell you one thing, becoming rich if you yourself will work towards that goal is not easy. Lucky are those who come from a wealthy family or have won the lottery. Anyway, listed below are some of the benefits of being rich with the purpose to make your own choice to become one, kindle the spark within you to make a promise to yourself to become wealthy, or if you have done that already and has failed, in that case, to rekindle the fire that once burned.

The rich don't work

By work I mean a job. They do work, but for them, it is more like a leisure time or something fun to do. They make money without pressure, stress, or obligations. Their only boss is their selves that is why it is hard to motivate themselves or to remind themselves that there is work to be done hence the reason why most people prefer to work in an environment where there is someone telling or guiding them what to do.

Very low stress level or none at all

This one is pretty much self explanatory. Working without a boss, deadlines, and office politics is obviously stress less. This benefit of being rich could add years to your life. This will also speed up discovery of personal skills and talents since you are free to decide what to do in a certain situation; and don't forget the freedom from time constraint as well as with the financial aspect. Lack of money is inarguably one of the major stressors in life.

The ability to design your own lifestyle

It is a very frustrating feeling to want something so badly but it is just impossible to have it (in your current situation at least). Just imagine if you are able to design your own lifestyle. You can buy things that you want, you can have a vacation anytime if you want to, or you can always have the time of your life and nobody really knows why, just kidding. Anyway, the bottom line is, you will be happier than ever if you are living the life that you have always imagined for yourself.

Help others

For me, this is the best benefit of all. The feeling after being sincerely thanked and seeing people that they are all right because of your help could not be bought by anything. It is priceless. Enough said.

About the Author:
Alvin is an internet marketer who is involved with an online company that helps people either start a business of their own or boost an already existing one. You can visit his site at www.thebusinessadept.info and learn how to start your own business online or access tons of trainings to improve an existing business.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Why We Want You to Be Rich - Book Revie

Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki's book, Why We Want you to be Rich, is a strongly suggested read if you are looking to get away from the corporate world. If you have no experience in the business world, this book will be overwhelming. They cover things such as investing in real estate, investing in stocks, problems with mutual funds and financial advisors and mindset. They are also very passionate about teaching you where to put your money once you have it.

Many people today continue to live life in the corporate battle of the work pyramid. Trump and Kiyosaki advise that there are many options out there and that many types of passionate person can be rich if they put their minds to it.

Roberts is a well known author known for the Rich Dad education series. His writing style is more story telling than Trumps. Kiyosaki's repetitive mention of his company does get annoying and he uses a lot of the same images over and over again.

Trump however writes like he talks in the boardroom, short and to the point. This is the style I prefer when I'm reading a book for educational purposes.

Overall this book covers everything if you are a beginner or an expert in the world of un-corporate jobs. Their passion is expressed through their knowledge and their desire to help others achieve what they want without government help.

There are many great tips about how to get started in the investing world. Kiyosaki lists several advantages and disadvantages of investments.

There are many books that encourage you to invest or become a business owner pro, this one definitely will have more impact on you because you know who Donald Trump is, where he came from and what he does.

Learning from the best is the key to success!

Have a productive day!

About the Author:
Lark Miller
Honest Income Online, Start Here http://oneyearplan.net/jm_ottawa/?t=023
Your Free eBook awaits you! http://www.siteproweb.com/1lm

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Do You Want to Be Rich Trading Stock

Let me ask you a question. Do you really want to be rich? Before you answer, think about this question just because you think you should answer 'yes' does not mean its what you really want. Most people want to be financially comfortable and happy but not necessary rich.

Being rich is an entirely different subject and it's not meant for everyone, you can choose where you want to play the game but before you jump into the 'let's get rich' bandwagon think about the cost of achieving massive wealth and ask yourself if this is what you really want. Whether you want millions or just a few hundred thousands, you can achieve this trading in stocks pick your spot and later we'll talk about plans to get you there.

From the question above it's easy to say I want to be rich but how many people know what it takes to acquire riches? To explain my point there is an old investment proverb that goes like this "if you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there."

This very much applies to your retirement plan especially if you are investing in the stock market. The proverb clearly state you need to know where you are going and how to get there. Do you know how much money you are going to need to retire in the style you wish, and do you have a plan to get that money put away?

Unfortunately most people don't. a few people are saving but with no plan. Are you one of those who believe that when you find a great stockbroker he will get you rich? I sure hope not i can tell you that only about 1% of these 'expert' knows how to make money.

You really don't need to know everything about a stock. All you need to do is look at a chart of a particular equity and if it is going up at a 30 degree angle over the long term [last 3 months] then buy it, when it quit going up sell it, and find another one. Brokers will tell you this is too simplistic and wont work like I always says only few knows how this works!

If you are planning to make money in investing, [I sincerely hope that's the reason you are buying stocks] to realize your goal decide on an amount you are willing to start trading with, change direction, get on a better road to achieve that goal. You cannot rely on someone else to do it for you, it is not their money, and it is yours. No one will take the interest in what you do.just do it!

Strategy overview

Here's the strategy-just like everything else on this planet, stock prices moves in circles. You'll learn about this in detail, later, but for now, know that four strategies make up a circle. In your mind, picture a valley, then a hill that rises and falls down into another valley. Now, overlay a stock price pattern onto the topography.

The stock bases in the valley, and then breaks into an uptrend [side of the hill] that may last from weeks to months. after the uptrend exhaust itself, the price action moves sideways, usually for a shorter time period [top of the hill] when buyers refuse to purchase the stocks at higher prices,the stocks 'rolls over' into a downtrend [other side of the hill] when the downtrend finally ends usually near the previous valley price the circle is complete and a new circle begins.

As a relatively short term traders our money making goal will be to grab the middle or "sweet pot" of a stocks uptrend [or downtrend]. We'll know when to enter a stock when to exit, and when to stand on the sidelines. since you can apply these principle to any style of trading, that's a priceless knowledge no matter what time frame you play!

About the Author:
Begin your path to financial independence today with Penny Stock Prophet and turn this economic recession into your payday. For more information on this program, click on this link for investment program.
visit [http://pennystockmerchant.blogspot.com]

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Secrets to Getting Rich

Getting rich is something that nearly everyone wants to do. The real secret to getting rich is that there is no 'magic pill'. By this I mean that if you want to get rich ask yourself if you REALLY want to and whether you're actually willing to put in the hundreds of grueling hours of work in order to. More people in the world today are wealthy beyond their means, and every single one of them (except for lottery winners) knows this secret.

Too often in business people hop around from one method to another thinking that each one will finally be the one to get them rich, when in fact any of the previous few could have, had they put the continual effort in. The internet marketing business is built on people like these - the kinds of people who are always looking for the 'next big thing'. The fear is that you don't want to 'put all of your eggs in one basket' by working solely on one thing. The problem here is that if you don't work on anything for long enough, you're putting your eggs in no basket at all. Remember: Consistency + Action = Results.

The best entrepreneurs also realize that they cannot make everybody happy (i.e. all of their family, friends, customers, business associates) so they do not try to. Trying to is the sure way to fail in business. You must have your vision and stick to it. As the profound stoic philosopher Lucius Seneca once said: "What difference does it make, after all, what your position in life is if you dislike it yourself".

About the Author:
David has been writing articles for nearly 4 years. Come visit his latest website about buying a 6 man tent which helps people find the best 6 person tent on the market. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

6 Secrets of the Wealthy

Think you need money to make money? Maybe so, but a lot of the times you will see wealthy people make the right choices at the right time. Why can't you? You can make more money fast by studying and applying these 6 secrets of the wealthy:

1) Let go of unrealistic expectations. Wealthy people know that it will take them so much time at a certain return on their investment to get where they need to go. Poor people guess what they need or assume they can make a 20% return (unrealistic) every year on their money to meet their goals. They are doomed for failure.

2) High pay off activities. Wealthy people know how to pick the right investments that will give them the return they will need and avoid anything else. Poor people can't make the right decision at the right time. They can't tell if some investment is good for them because they haven't taken the time to learn about it. They take tips from friends and hope for the best but usually get in the wrong investment at the wrong time and are vulnerable to commission salespeople.

3) Designing your money around your lifestyle. Wealthy people know how to use money to support their values and their lifestyle. Money becomes not just an asset but a support system to how they live. Poor people use money to acquire objects and investments that do not support them, their families, or their lifestyle choices.

4) Play with the right people. Wealthy people have built strong relationships for their support system- a valued fee-only financial advisor who is the quarterback to their team that includes an accountant, insurance agent, and estate planning attorney. Poor people don't think they are worthy of the services of a professional team. They look for the least expensive services, question their expertise, and have loyalty to no one.

5) Keep your eye on the target. Wealthy people have long term goals and have identified what it will take to achieve them. Their goals are clear so nothing can shake them from continuing to do what they need to do to achieve their goals. Poor people have no goals and invest for the moment. They don't know what to invest for and have no idea of what kind of return and what risk they are taking. Therefore they are prone to chase after the latest hot investment and they lose money more often than needed.

6) Overcome procrastination, fear and overwhelm with targeted wealth building activities. Wealthy people understand that to make money you have to take some risk. They are able to evaluate risk and get out of fear to take action and not procrastinate. By doing so, they understand that there will be winners and losers but their decisiveness makes them more winners. Poor people freeze when they have to make an investment decision. Their fear holds them back from action and they lose out on investment opportunities or make the wrong decision at the wrong time.
Study the 6 secrets of the wealthy above to see what changes you can make to develop a wealth building mindset.

About the Author:
2009© Fern Alix-LaRocca CFP® All Rights Reserved
Interested in more wealth building tips? Subscribe to my free ezine at http://www.401kmaximum.org and get the bonus report-9 Biggest 401k Mistakes You Can Make. Let me help you finance the second half of your life.
Fern Alix LaRocca is a Certified Financial PlannerTM and Wealth Coach with over 24 years experience as a fee-only Financial Advisor.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Top 10 Secrets of Getting Rich!

As many people have observed, "Success leaves clues." If you want to achieve extraordinary success in the coming year, study the experts, do what they do, and modify their techniques to suit your particular situation. It's easy!

Well, maybe not easy, but there are basic fundamentals. In the belief that we all need to be reminded of them regularly, here are some of the secrets that have helped me and my clients over the years:

1. Focus on values. I've known people who made some money, but I've never known anyone who got rich without examining their own values, priorities and beliefs. Start by writing down a list of things you value, things you believe, what you want, and what you plan to do with this incredible life you have. Start with your values.

2. Get a life. Before you can handle great wealth, you must make room for it. This is the old, "if you build it, they will come" model. Trying to squeeze success, wealth, fame or fortune into a small life won't work. Create a life first; the lifestyle of your dreams will follow.

3. Eliminate clutter. Trying to create success and achieve wealth while your life's a mess won't work. Success requires clear priorities and a passionate commitment. Simplify your life. Eliminate the excuses. Clean up everything that distracts you from reaching your most important goals.

4. Specify your results. Nobody can hit a target they can't see. Define your outcomes and set clear, achievable results in advance. Know what "success" looks like! Have measurable, specific outcomes and determine that you will achieve them!

5. Burn your ships. There's an ancient story about a Greek general who landed his troops on an enemy shore, then burned his ships. He wanted to make it very clear: Retreat and failure were not an option! Leave no room for failure.

6. Put in more than you take out. No one will pay you more than your services are worth! Get clear about that! You just can't fool people very long. Your services and your results must be far more valuable than the small fee you charge. Some people will rip you off; the rest will make you rich!

7. Live below your means. Rich people know this. Wealth is accumulated, re-invested, used wisely and given away. It is never spent! Let the millionaire athletes and folks who win lotteries buy the fancy cars and flashy jewelry. If you want to achieve great wealth, live simply, invest wisely, enjoy it all!

8. Get rich slowly. The key to great wealth is to minimize income, while maximizing your assets. Income is taxed. Income gets spent -- think about all the cars, boats, diamonds and houses people with huge incomes like to buy! Investing in assets that are hard to spend (buildings, stocks and bonds, collectible art, etc) creates wealth that is not taxed, and isn't spent on a casual impulse.

9. Pay lots of taxes. No, I'm not talking about paying more than you owe, but pay every cent the law requires. Rich folks don't haggle over nickels and dimes, they invest to make millions! If you can legally avoid taxes, do so! Use the law to your advantage when you can. But juggling the books to hide income or save a few bucks, wastes your time, wastes your energy, creates fear of getting caught, and makes you cheap. Don't do it!

10. Give it away. You can't take it with you when you die, and money is not attracted to the selfish, the miserly or the mean. If you would attract money to your life, be clear about what you want to do with it. Contribute to charities that will use it for good. Make the world a better, richer place and you'll create wealth that will last for generations to come. Your children will thank you!

About the Author:
© Copyright 2003 by Philip E. Humbert. All Rights Reserved. This article may be copied and used in your own newsletter or on your website as long as you include the following information: "Written by Dr. Philip E. Humbert, writer, speaker and success coach. Dr. Humbert has over 300 free articles, tools and resources for your success, including a great newsletter! It's all on his website at: http://www.philiphumbert.com

Sunday, November 14, 2010

How Do You Open the Door to Get Abundant Wealth?

Abundant wealth doesn't have to be a dream. It can be your reality. A strong desire, backed up by faith, has the power to open the door to an abundant life of prosperity.

First Things First 

We first need to seek the Source of all supply. We need the power of God to gain wealth and riches. Trying to gain it on your own will only bring limited success. Working with God is working under a supernatural law and obviously much more effective than just working under natural law alone.
Why seek God as your source?

  • He is the one who gives you the power to get wealth. (Deuteronomy 8:18)

  • God is also the one who will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4)

  • Riches and wealth are a gift from God. (Ecclesiastes 5:19)

  • Those that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing. (Psalm 34:10) 


  • A Desire for Wealth

    Do you have a will to gain wealth? When desire is in you it is a powerful force. If you desire wealth you will have an image of it in your mind. You give life to that image when you speak about it and back it up with faith. When the desire comes from God's Word, it is truly a tree of life. Then you will have supernatural help to reveal directions in reaching your desire. Your tree will grow roots that tap into the unlimited stream of abundance.

    Just remember, you cannot serve both God and riches. But you can serve God and have riches. It is okay to have money as long as money doesn't have you. Be blessed to be a blessing. If you seek God first, you will know His will and He will give you the desires of your heart and open the door to abundant wealth.
    May you continue to experience a life of growing prosperity!

    About the Author:
    B.K. Smith seeks to provide resources to help you prosper in all areas of life - including your spirit, soul, body, finances, and relationships. And now, get a FREE life changing "How to Attract Prosperity" download. Plus enjoy Christian and self-improvement resources along with motivational videos. Go to: http://www.GrowingProsperity.com

    Saturday, November 13, 2010

    Let Me Tell You Why You Must Become RICH!

    "It is the blessing of God that makes rich and adds no sorrow with it." Proverbs 10:22.

    "The rich man's wealth is his strong city; the destruction of the poor is their poverty." Proverbs 10:15.

    "The poor is hated even of his own neighbour; but the rich hath many friends." Proverbs 14:20.

    "The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender." Proverbs 22:7.

    As a responsible man or woman, you must have at one time or another experienced the unpleasant feeling engendered by needing something but being unable to afford it; of genuinely wanting to help someone, your church, school, village or community but being unable to do so, due to lack of money.
    You may have helplessly watched a business opportunity slip away due to lack of capital. You may know of young people dropping out of school because their school fees could not be paid; or the sick dying at home due to lack of money to obtain medication.

    I believe money is good. Money increases your options in life. When you have lots of money, you are free within the bounds of legality to do whatever you like, whenever you want. The more money you have the better your options. When you are rich and financially free, you feel good because you can meet all your financial obligations, needs and wants. You can afford anything money can buy.

    When you attain that level of financial independence where money is no longer an issue in your life, your intellectual, spiritual and emotional energies are unbound and free to propel you to higher and superior accomplishments in other areas of human endeavour. When you are rich, you become greatly empowered to help others and to serve humanity in many more ways. When you are rich, you attract more opportunities for greater achievement and success in life. Success they say, begets more success.

    Being rich has obvious advantages. When all the individuals of a country are rich, then that country is truly rich. A rich and well to do society is easier to govern. Political democracy stabilises and grows in a society where majority of the people are rich and truly educated.

    When the populace is truly educated (not just literate) and prosperous, there is less corruption; and when there is less corruption in a society, there is more efficiency and growth in the social, business and economic sectors. In a rich and prosperous society, politicians are less likely to loot the national treasury. Political aspirants are more likely to be motivated by the need to serve, than by the need to enrich themselves.

    A financially free society will more easily channel its energies into positive activities that enhance, not just the physical environment, but also the emotional and spiritual needs, as well as the overall quality of life of its people. The rich are financially empowered to uplift themselves, their families, their people, their neighbourhood, their communities, their states, their nation, their race and the world at large.

    Wealth is a source of power. So, when you become rich, you must also exploit and put to maximum effect the inherent powers of money. Even though you can be rich without being powerful (and this is very unfortunate), it is difficult to become powerful without being rich (directly or indirectly). Again, even though we say the law is no respecter of persons, we do know that the rich hardly go to prison; and when they do, it becomes headline news.

    Money provides your food, your shelter, your clothing, your healthcare, your education, your security and many other options in life. Money is important. Money is good. No, money is not everything, but with money, many things are possible!

    Your desire for wealth is therefore perfectly in order because money is one key empowerment you need to be a good and respectable father, mother, husband, wife, brother, sister, uncle, auntie, citizen, patron, matron, chairman, chairperson, church member, friend, etc. And in many political societies of today, you need plenty of money to be a strong and relevant political godfather, godmother or kingmaker.

    You must therefore take seriously the study of the laws of Life, Wealth and Success because it is your most important step towards being the best you can ever be, to yourself and to others; and living a happy, accomplished, rewarding and fulfilled life on planet earth. What better way can there be to serve God and Humanity?

    Again, Time is of the essence in wealth creation and multiplication because the attainment of financial stability is not a one-day affair. Therefore, the earlier you begin to get rich, the better. Even though you can become rich at the age of sixty or seventy, truth is, the earlier you hit big money the better for you, for those around you and indeed, humanity at large.

    "The average man reaches the period of his greatest capacity to create between forty and sixty. The years between forty and fifty are as a rule the most fruitful. Man should approach this age, not with fear and trembling, but with hope and eager anticipation." Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich.
    One sure way to comply with the above statement is to become rich early in life. That way you eliminate the anxiety and fear associated with money issues especially at old age. And your mind is set free and ready to tap into, and fully harness the immense reservoir of creative and spiritual energies available to man during that great golden epoch between forty and sixty.

    So, start early and achieve wealth in your youth! That way, you not only enjoy your riches for much longer, but you also bless and positively touch the lives of many more people within and outside your immediate environment.

    As a young Prince in pursuit of fame and fortune, you must be flattered by Machiavelli's notion that:
    "... fortune is a woman....being a woman, she favours young men, because they are less circumspect and more ardent, and because they command her with greater audacity."

    You must therefore do what is necessary to become legitimately rich, because money answereth all things and the blessing of God makes us rich and happy. Prosperity is the law of Nature, and God's mandate to you is to go into the world and be prosperous.

    "Be ye fruitful and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth..." Genesis 9:7.
    "Make all the money you can as fast as you can, so that you can focus on the more important issues of life." Jim Rohn.

    "It is a man's duty to make all the money he can, to keep all that he can, and give away all that he can." John D Rockefeller.

    "No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he only had good intentions. He had money as well." Margaret Thatcher.

    "Our first duty is not to be poor." George Bernard Shaw.

    As a store of material value, money portrays to the mundane world, the sum total of how successful you have been in personally harnessing and managing your abilities, your talents, your time, your knowledge, your energy, your sweat and your life.

    You can now see that apart from the direct benefits of personal financial well-being, there are many other reasons why you must become rich. Therefore, you must do all that is within your power to avoid poverty and lack in your life, because God's mandate to you is to be fruitful and multiply. You must assert your God given right to abundance of wealth, health and happiness here on planet earth. Yes, with Money many things are possible!

    About the Author:
    Jay Onwukwe
    Jay is Author: The WEALTH SECRETS
    Jay is motivational speaker, teacher and friend of Youths. His recent work "The WEALTH SECRETS You Must Know Before40" is a must-read for everyone, and you're just a CLICK away from obtaining your precious copy from Amazon.com. Click here now! The WEALTH SECRETS. Stay Smart, Wealthy and Wise!

    Friday, November 12, 2010

    God Wants You to Be Rich

    Contrary to the belief most Christians have, God wants you to be rich. The men of God, those that found favor with him, were very wealthy. Job was the greatest of all the men of the east. God had blessed him because he loved God and served him with all that he had. When he was tested and all his wealth and his health was taken from him he remained faithful to God. He did not understand why these things were happening to him but he accepted them. When God saw Job's faithfulness he restored what he had lost two fold.

    We are told Abraham had many cattle, sheep and other material things that made him considered very wealthy. Daniel even in his captivity because he refused to abandon God, was rewarded with a place of authority and abundance. Likewise Joseph, hated by his brothers and sold into slavery, remained faithful and God placed him in control of all the wealth of Egypt. Solomon is considered one of the richest men to ever live.

    There is no evil in being rich. Every good thing comes from above. What we do with the things God blesses us with determines whether it will work for good or evil. We are warned not to love money. Money can corrupt but it can also be used for the glory of God.
    Poor people can not help poor people in providing the material things of life. Granted the spiritual life is more important and anyone can exhort and teach in that area. Often times you need to meet the physical needs before the spiritual needs can be addressed. Showing love and concern and meeting the physical needs demonstrates God's love.

    God provides all things necessary for us to be rich, spiritually and materially. In America, like no other nation on earth, we have the freedom and resources to become spiritually mature and extremely rich. There are countless stories of people who have overcome seemingly insurmountable odds to achieve great wealth. There are myriad ways, legal and moral, to achieve great wealth.

    Why then do not more people understand they can and should try to become rich? Most do not want to put forth the effort. They are expecting to win the lottery or hope they have a long lost rich relative that is going to leave them their money. Many Christians believe it is a sin to have riches or to seek after riches. As stated before there in no in riches. The attitude and importance you give to riches is what matters. If you love money more than serving God you are in the wrong boat. If you let your family fall apart to have material things you are not being obedient to God's word. If you want to be able and are willing to give what you have to help others then you are on the right track

    There is no limit to God's abundance. Too often we think if someone has an abundance someone else has to do without. That is not the case God just makes the pie bigger so no one has to take a smaller piece.
    As Christians, disciples of Christ, we should have a burden for those without. That means those without Jesus as Savior and those without the necessities of life. We have the responsibility to develop and use the abilities and resources God has given us to meet their needs. We should become as rich as possible then use our riches to help others. To do otherwise is cheating God and the world.

    Great riches are not needed to begin to be faithful and obedient to use what you have to help others. In fact God knows how you feel about money now. He knows how you use what you have. Do you tithe? Do you give as you can to help others? God loves a cheerful giver. He will bless you here in this life and reward you at the judgment seat Christ if you are faithful with what you have. Start now, or continue, to use the material things God has blessed you with to reach others for the Lord Jesus Christ. Seek to gain all you can then give it back to be used for God's glory.

    About the Author:
    Warren L. Adams is a preacher, teacher and mentor. He is concerned about the lost and the Christian that is not living their life to the fullest for the glory of God. He is the author of "Its Ok To Be Rich but Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God". For your free copy of the first chapter of his book go to http://www.ItsOkToBeRich.com

    Thursday, November 11, 2010

    Serve God And Get Rich - How To Achieve Abundance

    "He will pour out money upon you like you have never even imagined"
    One speaker whom I greatly look up to both as a mentor and a Christian business leader says this many times over in the room. Yet it was utter disbelief when I pondered upon this phrase. How can God even bless me if I'm not smart, rich or talented?
    When we start to serve God (as in both church or perhaps in the marketplace), we are not guaranteed success overnight. Nor even when you return home you will find stockpiles of cash in your basement.
    Now don't get me wrong, abundance can still be achieved in your financial statement. You just need to apply certain principles in your life on a daily basis. Make it hourly if you will we have such short term mental strength sometimes.

    Principle 1: Getting To Know Yourself And God's Plan

    Practically, we are people of little faith and often times it takes more than just prayer to get us up to a good feeling. However, Christmas is just over and this is what you can learn from one of the Christmas carol songs.
    "peace on earth"
    Yes, this is the thing that we can bring closer to home. There will be no peace on earth unless there is peace in nations. There will be no peace on earth unless there is peace in communities. There is no peace on earth unless there is peace in individuals.
    Believe me, it is ultimately your inner peace that will make you sensitive to God's plan for your life.

    Principle 2: Avoiding Fake "Mentors"

    Here is a very sad fact. Everyone you will eventually meet along your journey to financial freedom as a Christian you will also notice that quite a few will have the same faith as yours.
    Please exercise caution in developing the relationship because they may speak to you by using words like, "trust the Father" or something like that. In reality they do not know the Bible at all and they do not have a relationship with God.
    Its close to leading a budding person like you astray. Mentors can either make or break a person and I'd strongly advise you to follow your "spiritual antenna" to sniff out fake mentors.

    Principle 3: For Unless You Throw In Your Hand, The Ultimate Harvest Is Assured

    I'm not kidding. This passage is practically taken from the Holy Bible. If you believe in success then you must also believe in not giving up. Keep up the fire and the fight.
    Your reward is near because of your character of gold. Pure gold can only be attained after going through the searing heat of fire. Imagine your life will be like gold and life is a pit of fire that you must endure.
    Therefore, if you are a Christian and you want to serve God and get rich remember that you will. You just need to work at it and never give up. Most of all hold on to the promises that the scriptures have written about you and your future with God.

    About The Author:

    http://www.Simple-Riches.com -
    Vern How has been earning online since 2006. He is an Internet marketer who believes in giving back by helping others.

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