Thursday, November 18, 2010

Do You Want to Be Rich Trading Stock

Let me ask you a question. Do you really want to be rich? Before you answer, think about this question just because you think you should answer 'yes' does not mean its what you really want. Most people want to be financially comfortable and happy but not necessary rich.

Being rich is an entirely different subject and it's not meant for everyone, you can choose where you want to play the game but before you jump into the 'let's get rich' bandwagon think about the cost of achieving massive wealth and ask yourself if this is what you really want. Whether you want millions or just a few hundred thousands, you can achieve this trading in stocks pick your spot and later we'll talk about plans to get you there.

From the question above it's easy to say I want to be rich but how many people know what it takes to acquire riches? To explain my point there is an old investment proverb that goes like this "if you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there."

This very much applies to your retirement plan especially if you are investing in the stock market. The proverb clearly state you need to know where you are going and how to get there. Do you know how much money you are going to need to retire in the style you wish, and do you have a plan to get that money put away?

Unfortunately most people don't. a few people are saving but with no plan. Are you one of those who believe that when you find a great stockbroker he will get you rich? I sure hope not i can tell you that only about 1% of these 'expert' knows how to make money.

You really don't need to know everything about a stock. All you need to do is look at a chart of a particular equity and if it is going up at a 30 degree angle over the long term [last 3 months] then buy it, when it quit going up sell it, and find another one. Brokers will tell you this is too simplistic and wont work like I always says only few knows how this works!

If you are planning to make money in investing, [I sincerely hope that's the reason you are buying stocks] to realize your goal decide on an amount you are willing to start trading with, change direction, get on a better road to achieve that goal. You cannot rely on someone else to do it for you, it is not their money, and it is yours. No one will take the interest in what you do.just do it!

Strategy overview

Here's the strategy-just like everything else on this planet, stock prices moves in circles. You'll learn about this in detail, later, but for now, know that four strategies make up a circle. In your mind, picture a valley, then a hill that rises and falls down into another valley. Now, overlay a stock price pattern onto the topography.

The stock bases in the valley, and then breaks into an uptrend [side of the hill] that may last from weeks to months. after the uptrend exhaust itself, the price action moves sideways, usually for a shorter time period [top of the hill] when buyers refuse to purchase the stocks at higher prices,the stocks 'rolls over' into a downtrend [other side of the hill] when the downtrend finally ends usually near the previous valley price the circle is complete and a new circle begins.

As a relatively short term traders our money making goal will be to grab the middle or "sweet pot" of a stocks uptrend [or downtrend]. We'll know when to enter a stock when to exit, and when to stand on the sidelines. since you can apply these principle to any style of trading, that's a priceless knowledge no matter what time frame you play!

About the Author:
Begin your path to financial independence today with Penny Stock Prophet and turn this economic recession into your payday. For more information on this program, click on this link for investment program.
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