Monday, November 22, 2010

Top 10 Reasons to Do What it Takes to Become Wealthy

I think most of us on the planet have a dream tucked somewhere in our hearts or minds about how great things would be if we were financially independent.  We think about how it would change our lives and the lives of the people we love and have a certain longing for it.  For most people one of three things tends to happen with that dream:  one - it either stops right there, two - they find themselves haring off after some scheme or another, or three - they give up on a worthy venture too soon. Here are the Top 10 Reasons why it's important to bite the bullet and Do What It Takes To Become Wealthy.

1.  You either learn to love the "no's" or you learn to live with them.  As my Business Coach and Mentor often says 'You gotta learn to love the no's.'  If fear of rejection is what's keeping you from becoming wealthy then you only have one alternative to pick from, and that's to learn to live with telling both yourself and the people you love the most 'no' to the things that mean the most both to you and to them.

2.  The alternative is more expensive than you know and/or are willing to face.  One of my wealth coaches once asked me to sit down and write out every price that I was paying, had paid, and will pay for not achieving financial freedom in my life, and the prices my friends and family were paying, and had paid, and will pay, and it turned out to be one of the biggest reality checks I'd ever faced up to.
I'm not going to kid you - it took an incredible level of courage, honesty and self-examination to get it all out, but get it all out I did.

I keep the list in my planner so I can pull it out and look at it for those times when what I'm working towards isn't powerful enough to keep me moving forward but what I'm working away from IS!
Want to turn your finances completely around?  Do the exercise and write out every price for not achieving financial freedom in your life and don't stop until you have a clear and profound commitment that playing small is over!

3.  If you don't, you'll never have significantly more than what you already have.  Are you willing to live the rest of your life with what you already have?
Are you willing to give your friends and family the kind of future that doesn't look much different than your present?

4.  If you do the things others won't do, only then will you have the things that others won't have.  I think anybody that's trying to sell a get rich quick scheme or tells you that their business opportunity means you'll never have to work again isn't selling a dream - they're selling a pipe dream.
If there really was an effortless way to get rich then why are they beating the pavement trying to sell you on the idea rather than lying on a beach in Tahiti?
Be prepared for the things it will take from you in order to achieve true wealth and commit to being a disciple to them.
5.  There will never be a better time than right now to get started!  Getting started on becoming wealthy will NEVER be easier, simpler or less painful than it is right now and waiting for a 'better time' is just a way to keep playing it safe and avoiding taking the risks and keeping you from becoming wealthy and from having to face up that...

6.  There is no nobility in poverty.  Neither is there any built-in villainy in wealth.  We're always in charge of our destinies, but one thing money does is it gives you the direct experience of being in charge of yours.
Disagree?  What are the choices you're making that are dictated by your current level of success?  What would be different if you were financially free and independent?  Different about your work?  Your health and your healthcare?  Your car?  Your home?  Your friends?  Your family?  What else?

7.  You'll be a role model for generations to come.  If you had a believable blueprint for extraordinary success to follow you probably wouldn't be reading this article.  That means that the people you love probably don't have one either.  Why not break out and have a profound impact on generations of your family and be a role model for success and wealth in every meaning of the word?
Why not raise the bar and redefine for your family what success really is?

8.  You'll have the resources to throw at life when you need them.  You can't predict what life is going to bring you and sometimes it brings incredible obstacles and sometimes they're bright opportunities.  If you're willing to look I'm sure you would be able to come up with lots of examples of how life could have been different if you'd had the resources to throw at it when you needed them.
It could be missed investment opportunities, missed business opportunities, missed opportunities to change an outcome for someone you love, bad choices that were made but that was the best of the choices that were available at the time - this could be a pretty long list that go on the 'prices paid' list.
Aren't you ready to be in a position to grab those opportunities the next time they come your way?

9.  It's your birthright.  Freedom and independence are your birthright; you were born with the right to claim it.  Aren't you ready?
If it is your birthright, then that means that...

10.  You have a God given responsibility to achieve wealth and it is nothing short of the crassest form of selfishness not to.  Bet you weren't expecting that one, eh?  You are one in infinity, and in an infinity of time there will never be another you.  You have a unique purpose on this planet with a unique impact only you can have.  If you're determined to play small then that impact can only be a small one.
Aren't you ready to be who you were born to be?

About: Tracy Phaup is the founder and President of the Tracy Phaup Group, a consulting group specializing in custom consulting services for Internet marketers, Professional Bloggers, and Infopreneurs. Affectionately known as the Social Media Marketing Maven, her specialty is relationship marketing. Her many years of experience in Coaching, Consulting and Team Building allow her to bring to bear expertise across mediums and to share her expertise in developing relationships that rock!

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