Thursday, November 11, 2010

Serve God And Get Rich - How To Achieve Abundance

"He will pour out money upon you like you have never even imagined"
One speaker whom I greatly look up to both as a mentor and a Christian business leader says this many times over in the room. Yet it was utter disbelief when I pondered upon this phrase. How can God even bless me if I'm not smart, rich or talented?
When we start to serve God (as in both church or perhaps in the marketplace), we are not guaranteed success overnight. Nor even when you return home you will find stockpiles of cash in your basement.
Now don't get me wrong, abundance can still be achieved in your financial statement. You just need to apply certain principles in your life on a daily basis. Make it hourly if you will we have such short term mental strength sometimes.

Principle 1: Getting To Know Yourself And God's Plan

Practically, we are people of little faith and often times it takes more than just prayer to get us up to a good feeling. However, Christmas is just over and this is what you can learn from one of the Christmas carol songs.
"peace on earth"
Yes, this is the thing that we can bring closer to home. There will be no peace on earth unless there is peace in nations. There will be no peace on earth unless there is peace in communities. There is no peace on earth unless there is peace in individuals.
Believe me, it is ultimately your inner peace that will make you sensitive to God's plan for your life.

Principle 2: Avoiding Fake "Mentors"

Here is a very sad fact. Everyone you will eventually meet along your journey to financial freedom as a Christian you will also notice that quite a few will have the same faith as yours.
Please exercise caution in developing the relationship because they may speak to you by using words like, "trust the Father" or something like that. In reality they do not know the Bible at all and they do not have a relationship with God.
Its close to leading a budding person like you astray. Mentors can either make or break a person and I'd strongly advise you to follow your "spiritual antenna" to sniff out fake mentors.

Principle 3: For Unless You Throw In Your Hand, The Ultimate Harvest Is Assured

I'm not kidding. This passage is practically taken from the Holy Bible. If you believe in success then you must also believe in not giving up. Keep up the fire and the fight.
Your reward is near because of your character of gold. Pure gold can only be attained after going through the searing heat of fire. Imagine your life will be like gold and life is a pit of fire that you must endure.
Therefore, if you are a Christian and you want to serve God and get rich remember that you will. You just need to work at it and never give up. Most of all hold on to the promises that the scriptures have written about you and your future with God.

About The Author: -
Vern How has been earning online since 2006. He is an Internet marketer who believes in giving back by helping others.

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